When people think about panic rooms and safe rooms, they often think of wealthy executives hiding from jewel thieves or celebrities concealing themselves from kidnappers; after all, that's the image that movies and TV shows have given us because that's the most dramatic scenario. So why would an ordinary person need a safe room at all?
But even if you don't have the assets to worry about home invasions (or install a complicated, high-tech safe room), don't overlook the fact that safe rooms can provide protection in the event of natural disasters. Tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and severe storms can cause injury or death if you're not prepared; luckily, setting up a safe room is probably simpler than you think.
Choosing A Room – The simplest option for a safe room is to convert an existing space in your home. You should look for a space that is sturdy and would be protected from any flying debris in a disaster; rooms without windows are a good choice.
Reinforcing A Room – There are a few things you can do to help your safe room stand up to danger.
Stocking A Room – If you're going to have to spend any amount of time in your safe room, you need to be prepared with the essentials.
Hopefully, you'll never need to use a safe room. But if something bad happened, wouldn't it be better to be prepared?
Share19 February 2015
Hello, it's Trinity Wilson here and I love cleaning carpets. Having five children gave me a crash course on this fine art. While renting, it's important to keep the carpets free of stains despite the chaos that multiple children bring down after all. I learned how to lift liquids out of the carpet before they could set. I learned how to remove hidden stains well after the kids moved something over the top to cover their crime. I've even taught my kids how to clean stains out of their carpets using both natural and commercial products. I've decided to apply my skills to this website to teach my readers the best ways to approach carpet cleaning. I will share how to clean the carpet by hand, with a machine and even when to hire professionals to get the job done. Welcome to my site, please come by often!